Universal Prevention Curriculum (UPC)
Organized by
Ecolink Institute of Well-being, India in collaboration with
The Colombo Plan-Drug Advisory Programme
The Colombo Plan’s another universal curriculum is the Universal Prevention Curriculum for Substance Use (UPC), for which Ecolink Institute is enrolled as a recognized Training Provider. This training curriculum consists of two training series to address the needs of different target groups has undergone a change in name.
The UPC Coordinators Series will be known as the UPC Managers and Supervisors (UPC-M&S) Series. It is designed for those wishing to undertake a significant in-depth study of prevention such as managers and supervisors or coordinators of prevention programmes, or for those who wish to undertake a major programme of study in prevention. The UPC Implementersseries is known as the UPC Practitioners (UPC-P) Series. It is written for practitioners and implementers of prevention programmes who work with families, in schools, the workplace, and the community.
The major role in the development of UPC has been undertaken by Applied Prevention Science International (APSI) led by DrZiliSloboda working with international experts in prevention from around the world. The underlying principles of UPC are to provide a way forward for prevention that is based on scientific research and evidence; sound quality standards; and an ethical stance in how prevention should be undertaken.
UPC was designed to meet the current demand for a comprehensive training package in the field of drug use prevention, based on evidence-based principles.
UPC Managers and Supervisors Series
The UPC consists of two series, namely: UPC for Managers and Supervisors (UPC-M&S) and UPC for Practitioners (UPC-P). The UPC-M&S provides a training programme for prevention managers and supervisors who manage and supervise the implementation of prevention interventions and/or policies. This series is composed of nine courses as follows:
Course 1: Introduction to Prevention Science
40 training hours
This course provides an overview of the science that underlies evidence-based prevention interventions and strategies, and the application of these effective approaches in prevention practice.
Course 2: Physiology and Pharmacology for Prevention Specialists
24 training hours
This course presents an overview of the physiology and pharmacology of psychoactive substances and their effects on the brain to affect mood, cognition, and behaviour and the consequences of such use on the individual, the family and the community.
Course 3: Monitoring and Evaluation of Prevention Interventions and Policies
40 training hours
This course gives an overview of primary evaluation methods used to measure evidence-based prevention interventions and guidance in applying them to "real-world" prevention settings.
Course 4: Family-based Prevention Interventions
32 training hours
This course explores the family as the primary socialisation agent of children, the science behind family-based prevention interventions, and the application of such evidence-based approaches to help prevent the onset of substance use in children.
Course 5: School-based Prevention Interventions
40 training hours
This course presents an overview of the school in society, the science behind school-based prevention interventions, and the application of such evidence-based approaches in school settings around the world.
Course 6: Workplace-based Prevention Interventions
24 training hours
This course provides an overview of the role of work and the workplace in society, how stresses and other work-related influences affect people’s risk of substance use, the science behind workplace prevention interventions, and the application of such evidence-based approaches in work settings around the world.
Course 7: Environment-based Prevention Interventions
24 training hours
This course reviews the science underlying evidence-based substance use prevention environmental interventions, involving policy and community-wide strategies.
Course 8: Media-based Prevention Interventions
24 training hours
This course presents the science underlying the use of media for substance use prevention interventions.
Course 9: Community-based Prevention Implementation Systems
40 training hours
This course introduces the science underlying the systems approach to prevention interventions and guidance on developing such approaches, as well as exemplars of evidence-based drug use prevention systems.
UPC Implementers Series
The UPC Implementers Series is currently under development. The goal of this series is to ensure effective delivery of prevention interventions. Amongst the aims are: provide knowledge about prevention science and its application to the effective delivery of prevention interventions, and equip prevention practitioners with the requisite skills to implement effective evidence-based prevention programmes in their respective settings.
Core: Introduction to the Universal Prevention Curriculum Series for Practitioners
48 training hours
This course provides an overview of the science that underlies evidence-based prevention interventions and policies along with introductory skills and competencies to engage in prevention practice in the primary contexts where provision takes place.
Note: Colombo Plan are currently revising UPC Implementers series, and this will soon be relaunched as UPC Practitioners series. So far only the Core course is available here in the 2020 edition.
Track 1: Monitoring and Evaluation of Prevention Interventions and Policies
100 training hours
This track presents primary evaluation methods used to measure short- and long-term outcomes of evidence-based substance use prevention interventions and policies. It also provides experiential learning in evaluation planning and monitoring and process evaluation through exercises and a practicum completed at the end of the track.
Track 2: Family-based Prevention
140 training hours
This track presents an overview of the science behind family-based prevention interventions, and the methods used to intervene effectively to prevent substance use in children. It also provides experiential learning in the effective family-based intervention methods to prepare prevention implementers to participate in such evidence-based programmes. The training includes extensive in-class exercises and a practicum completed at the end of the track.
Track 3: School-based Prevention
140 training hours
This track presents an overview of the science behind school-based prevention interventions and policies and the methods used to improve school climate, strengthen policies, and intervene directly with classroom prevention interventions. It also provides one track for administrators on effective planning and strategies for addressing school policy and climate, and a second track for teachers primarily on classroom interventions. The training includes extensive in-class exercises and a practicum completed at the end of the track.
Track 4: Workplace-based Prevention
130 training hours
This track presents an overview of the science behind workplace-based prevention interventions and policies, and the methods used to improve the workplace environment in terms of substance use policies and services. It also provides experiential learning in planning for workplace policy changes and other substance use prevention efforts. The training includes extensive in-class exercises and a practicum completed at the end of the track.
Track 5: Environment-based Prevention
110 training hours
This track presents an overview of effective environment-based prevention interventions and policies that focus on community-wide efforts to prevent tobacco and underage alcohol use; and illegal drug use in entertainment venues and other settings; and the methods used to implement these efforts. It also provides experiential learning in planning for and implementing environmental policy changes and other community-wide substance use prevention efforts. The training includes extensive in-class exercises and a practicum completed at the end of the track.
Track 6: Media-based Prevention
115 training hours
This track presents an overview of the science of effective media-based substance use prevention interventions with a focus on developing successful persuasive communications. It also provides experiential learning in planning messages and media for reaching parents and youth in substance use prevention efforts. The training includes extensive in-class exercises and a practicum completed at the end of the track.
Track 7: Community Prevention Implementation Systems
100 training hours
This track presents an overview of the science underlying systems approaches to prevention interventions; and presents the primary methods for planning community-wide implementation systems. It also provides experiential learning in planning and working with stakeholders to develop prevention intervention services. The training includes extensive in-class exercises and a practicum completed at the end of the track.
Methodology for training:
The training will be imparted through zoom video conference, and the link will be sent through email and WhatsApp 3 hours prior to the scheduled time of the sessions. The students can click the link and the host will admit them to the classroom from 15 minutes prior to the session.
The training will be using power point presentations, interactive sessions, activities, and will be following a detailed manual with PPT and other instructions which will be made available to the participants before the session begin. The modules will be taken by expert resource persons who are recognized by the Colombo Plan and UNODC, most of them serving as global trainers. There will be 8 curricula with 6-8 modules which will be imparted on one module-one day basis. Certain modules will be split into two days depending on its content. There will be home works and activities related to the sessions and reference materials will be provided. Hours spent on Home assignments will be also added to the hours of training.
Sessions will be provided live and not through any recorded video. Students are expected to learn not only through the zoom sessions, but through prescribed activities, home works and reading reference materials from the participants manual and references provided.
The training is imparted in four parts of two curriculums each and participants will get completion certificates upon successful completion of each part. In addition to these completion certificates, participants will be given opportunity to appear for an international examination, conducted by GCCC for credentialing and certification. There will be a feed back session and online model examination after each curricula to help participants successfully pass through the ICAP examination at the end for credentialing as an internationally certified Addiction Professional (ICAP).
Background of the Agencies:
Colombo Plan Drug Advisory Programme (CP-DAP)
The Colombo Plan is a Commonwealth initiated Inter-Governmental Organization which was established on 1 July 1951 by Australia, Canada, India, Pakistan, New Zealand, Sri Lanka and the United Kingdom. Colombo Plan currently has expanded to 27 member countries including non-Commonwealth countries and countries belonging to regional groupings such as ASEAN (Association of South-East Asian Nations) and SAARC (South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation). The Colombo Plan was originally started for the socio-economic development of its member countries with a partnership concept of self-help and mutual-help, but currently its activities are extended to more than 62 countries.
The Drug Advisory Programme (DAP) was established in 1971 as the first Inter-Governmental initiative in Drug Demand reduction under the Colombo Plan. The Inter-Governmental Organization has approved Ecolink Institute of Well-being as an official “Training Provider” for Universal Treatment Curricula (UTC) and Universal Prevention Curricula (UPC) as well as various other addiction management training series developed for the countries around the globe. The curricula is developed by the Colombo Plan in collaboration with INL, US Department of State and implemented by the approved Training Providers. United States is the major donor for the Drug Advisory Programme under the Colombo Plan.
The International Society of Substance Use Professionals (ISSUP)
The International Society of Substance Use Prevention and Treatment Professionals (ISSUP) is a global, not for profit, non-government organisation to support the development of a professional drug demand reduction workforce. It is a free, international, membership organisation, bringing together the range of workers from the prevention, treatment and recovery fields to inform, connect and strengthen their research, practice and policy making. ISSUP’s establishment and development have been the Colombo Plan and its Drug Advisory Programme (DAP) and the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (INL) who have been the originator and major funder of the initiative.
ISSUP had been able to implement its activities in consultation with the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), the World Health Organization (WHO), the Organization of American States (OAS), and the African Union. These organisations have now become International Observers to ISSUPs Board of Directors. Other major regional and national country agencies have also played a significant role in supporting the establishment of ISSUP. These include the European Drug Monitoring Centre (EMCDDA), the Canadian Centre of Drug Abuse (CCSA), the Society for Prevention Research (SPR), the European Society for Prevention Research (EUSPR) and Applied Prevention Science International (APSI).
Global Center for Credentialing and Certification (GCCC):
By becoming a Training Provider for the Colombo Plan, Ecolink becomes a collaborating partner for the GCCC which is established by the Colombo Plan and the US Government to certify addiction professionals internationally. Those participants completing UTC or UPC can get credentialed by the GCCC by attending an online examination conducted by the GCCC. The Headquarters of GCCC is in London, UK and it envisions a world where everyone has access to quality services that promote the health and well-being of individuals, families, and communities. GCCC provides experience verification and appropriate exams to ensure that Governments and other employers are hiring and utilizing the most qualified professionals to improve the likelihood of positive outcomes for individuals, families and communities.
Ecolink Institute of Well-being:
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Ecolink Institute of Well-being is a center for psychological wellness, counseling, education and training, registered and based at the coastal city of Mangalore. The main objectives of the Institute is to promote a climate for positive mental health and well-being among people through varieties of programs related to well-being. The Institute runs an Online Counselling portal named, with over 25 well qualified Counsellors and psychologists who deal with mental health issues, addiction Management, relationship matters and child and adolescent counseling. It also runs a face-to-face counseling and therapy program and a training center too.
Ecolink is also an approved “Training Provider” by the Colombo Plan for imparting Universal Treatment Curricula (UTC) and Prevention Curricula (UPC) for Substance Use Disorder, an evidence based training series developed and promoted by the Colombo Plan, UNODC and the US Department of State. It is also affiliated to International Society for Substance Use Professionals (ISSUP), as worldwide network of addiction professionals and the Global Center for Credentialing and Certification (GCCC). The key founder of the Institute is Dr. Thomas Scaria, an Internationally certified Addiction Professional and trainer with over 30 years of experience in social developmental programs India and several Asian countries. He is also the founding member of Link De-addiction Center established in 1992 with nearly three decades of outstanding services. Dr. Thulitha Wickrama and Ronnie Thomas are the co-founders of Ecolink.
For more details, please contact:
Ronnie Thomas,
Correspondent, Ecolink Institute of Well-being,
2/98/17, G.M. Arcade, Airport Road, Yeyyadi,
Phone: +919448327209, +91 8073168164 (whatsapp)
Acknowledgments: Universal Treatment Curricula for Addiction Professionals is part of an eight-volume training series developed for the U.S. Department of State Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (INL) by the Colombo Plan